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When the world went indoors in March 2020, it was difficult for our Camp Highlight families and campers. That year was wrought with feelings of detachment and separation. During our Intermission, we learned that connection in our camp community is more important than ever.

CHL-TV is a new digital series led by cast members and Camp Highlight summer counselors Parker, Phil, Shomari, and Joy. Once a month, the CHL-TV team will connect Highlighters and their families all over the nation in virtual fun and content! The team has created segments inspired by the spirit of Camp Highlight. From Weird Science to Arts and Crafts, to funny sketches and camp jokes. Highlight families can join in the fun by submitting their own funny videos and updates. CHL-TV is ready to bring the Camp Highlight experience to the comfort of your home! 

Highlighters and families can email for info on how to submit videos and how to view the show!

Please stand by...for fun!

Joy Ward (CHL Counselor)

Staff Stories: Joy

Joy and a camper enjoying lanyard making

I've always loved summer camp. From the time I was little and now that I'm an adult, I knew summer camp was always going to be the place for me. But working at Camp Highlight was different it was more... extraordinary. I got the chance to work with amazing kids who came from beautiful families and had nothing but love to give. As a counselor as Camp Highlight you get to witness one of the greatest joys in life: people being their true selves. At Camp Highlight there are no judgments, no hatreds, no prejudices- kids are allowed to be who they are and respected for it. Counselors too! This camp has nothing but love and hope for a better future to give. It was an honor to work here and I can't wait to return year after year!

-Joy, 1 year as Camp Highlight Counselor

Camp Highlight is now hiring enthusiatic and engaging counselors for the week of camp. You must be at least 19 years old, have a love for children, camp, and the LGBTQ community. Apply here!

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